Friday, October 17, 2008



WWW, October 2008 - Just a month before the most notorious president of the USA will leave office, he gives a multi-trillion gift to his banker friends. The rest of the world, especially Europe, follows.

How the love for money surely is the root of all evil.

It is said, that US president George W. Bush has spent more money than all presidents before him combined. Throughout the eight years of his presence in the White House, he surely has become the symbol for all the crimes of the world elite.

Will he really go? When it turns out to be true what is written on several websites for several years now, George W will find one or another reason to postpone the election and turn what many think is the world's greatest democracy into the world's greatest overt dictatorship.

The current financial crisis which sweeps over the world could just be the very thing that will be used by the president to indeed postpone the election.

Every day, we hear on the news how the several important stock exchanges of the world had another "historical day". One bank after another goes bankrupt, and ministers of finance throughout the world act like magicians as they "inject the economy" with trillions and trillions of dollars. Money which will fade away the next day as the stock exchange will have another historical low.

Where does all that money go? In times wherein the so-called experts have to admit that all they know is that they know no thing, that question can't be answered. But the big bonuses that the CEO's take with them as their banks turn into government hands should give an indication.

In the Netherlands, it turns out that municipalities and provinces joined a group of 125,000 people who put their savings on an Iceland based Internet bank. The bank is bankrupt and the whole country is in turmoil as it is unsure whether people have lost their savings or not. The local governments have an even bigger problem as they lost money trusted to them by the taxpayers.

The Iceland-based bank was owned by a multi-millionaire who made his fortune in post-communist Russia. The latest news is that Russian money will be used again to pay the Dutch savers. The government of Iceland doesn't have the money, namely. The country is said to be.... bankrupt.

So, what is going on?

The current situation is far worse than 9/11. Where the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon would only reach people indirectly because of the idiotic Police State measure taken after the event, the financial crisis touches everyone where it hurts most people the most: in their wallets.

Many people have been wondering as to what would happen to give George W Bush the possibility to postpone the election. Stories about nukes in the city, terrorists here and there, this-and-that. But apparently, that trick won't fool all the people in this time.

Maybe the answer was given to us all the way, when another presidential candidate was quoted as saying to his opponent:

"It's the economy, stupid!"



WWW, October 2007 - Sometimes people ask me why I write and publish about the UFO phenomena. The answer can be found in this meditation.

I remember it very clearly, even though I was a little child when it happened. It was dark, and I was looking outside to the stars as I was preparing to go to sleep. Not that I was particularly interested in what was going on up there, I just did it.

I don't know much about the stars. Needles to say, that I knew even less when I was a kid. But I did know that what I was beholding in the sky, was not an airplane and was not a star either.

It was, what we would call a UFO. It was also somewhere in the early 1970's and I had never heard about UFO's. But I did know that what I saw, was pretty unusual.

I saw three lights rotating like crazy around one light in the middle (see picture). It went on for what seemed to be hours, but was probably around 15-30 minutes. I looked and said to myself: "These are probably angels", and because there wasn't really much to see I went to bed and fell asleep.

Fast forward about 25-30 years.

In the meantime, I had been through a lot of things and experiences concerning the supernatural or the paranormal. I learned how the UFO phenomenon is "just" a part of the spiritual realms, I found out what my own position in this scheme-of-things was.

I know and reason with many people who have similar experiences. Many of my friends have (had) their own sightings, and some even seem to have the "ability" to call UFO's out of nowhere. A thing which I personally consider foolish and dangerous, unnecessary and not without consequences either.

It happened when I joined a very diverse group of friends and acquaintances for a weekend in the forests close to where I live. Nothing special, just a weekend out there...

After we put up our tents, we sat down to basically enjoy ourselves. One guy tells me: "Hey man, what's that up there?" and I look to the sky.

I see nothing.

But then, a little "star" seemed to get bigger and indeed it did. It grew until it had become larger than the moon and started to light up the place where we were.

Apart from the fact that indeed here we had another UFO, it was kind of noteworthy that this person apparently called up this UFO: he told me to look up before the thing actually showed up!

I did what I always do when I see a UFO or an ungodly spirit: I told the thing to go away in the Name of Yesus Kristos. It took the guy about 3 or 4 seconds to warn me and (make?) the UFO to show up, it took the UFO about one second to disappear in the very same way as it appeared.

Later, we read in the newspaper how a couple was less "fortunate" than we. It turned out, they had been chased by a UFO throughout a large part of the very same night, just a couple of miles from where we were camping.

So, yes, I had several sightings in my life. Sightings of UFO's and spirits. Sightings in which I myself play a part too, and it started when I was very young.

Needles to say, these kind of experiences make one want to find out what's going on out there. Obviously it's not a question as to whether UFO's are real or not, but the phenomenon definitely needs research and interpretation.

To me, none of this is theory even though I study the phenomenon on an intellectual basis too. But even without such experiences, there is proof that the whole thing is real, and therefore it has to have a place within the enormous story of the Creator and His creation.

And indeed it does...

UFO's are "chariots" for multidimensional and inter-planetary travel, in use by spirit beings and humans alike. The ancient books describe them, revealing how there's nothing new under the sun either. Archeology shows the very same thing and everything turns out to be connected with Babylon Queendom.

Keywords to find this connection can be found in the bible. When Jah walked on earth as a Man, warning us for the return of the "Days of Noah". When Jah walked on earth, describing Himself as the "Son of Man", a direct quote from the ancient Book of Enoch.

This ancient Book of Enoch (NOT to be mistaken with the New Age document "Keys of Enoch") reveals to great detail just what went on during the days of Noah. It's also described in the Bible, by the way, in Genesis 6.

The ancient accounts tell us how the Watchers or Sons of God came down and created offspring with the people -and animals- of this earth. These Watchers can best be described as "angelic beings", and their offspring are generally known as the Giants or the Nephilim.

They were also the reason why the Creator sent the Great Flood over the earth. These Nephilim were never supposed to be in existence in the first place anyway, and they were mashing up creation in such a way that no flesh JAH had created would have survived if they would have continued.

During the Days of Noah, the Watchers and the Nephilim had a great time. They were killing and corrupting all that Jah created, teaching the people how to kill each other and commit all kinds of fornication.

Ancient findings in Sumeria, such as the one of which you can see a picture here, show reptilian beings feeding babies in a way reptile animals do not. This particular statue is said to be from the days of Noah, by the way.

The Nephilim multiplied themselves to the point wherein the very existence of humanity was threatened.

In other words: humanity had almost ceased to exist.

So JAH sent the Great Flood. He also made sure that it would take the Watchers and Nephilim a very, very long time before they would be able again to try and take over the planet and kill humanity in the process.

After the Great Flood, Nephilim were born too. Actually, it happens whenever the Sons of God have sex with the Daughters of Men. They were the ancient god-kings, the god-men, of which many stories are told.

Nephilim are born, and they die. And when Nephilim die, they just lose their bodies. However, their spirits still roam the earth. We know them as the demons who look to posses bodies.

Of course, this is not an ideal situation for the wicked ones. Since they hate humans and have to use our bodies as "containers" in order to do what they want, they are working very hard to re-create the situations of the Days of Noah.

Yesus warned us for exactly this. He said, the wicked would attempt to re-install the situation as it was in the Days of Noah. In fact, they have been working on that ever since the waters of the Great Flood resided.

With propaganda concerning the Days of Noah, with promises of a "post-humanity" as a next step in the so-called "evolution of mankind", with UFO sightings and writers like Zechariah Sitchin and Erich von Daniken, with attempts of ones like Adolph Hitler who tried to create "The New Man", the "Aryan" which was NOT a human, we have signs galore that we have indeed reached.. the Days of Noah!

2012. Atlantis. The "return of the gods". A "global awakening of mankind". Too much evidence that all of this is talking about real things.

We find out, that the governments of the earth are in contact with the Watchers. Of course! The Bible describes it in the second psalm, for example. We find out, that there's nuff things going on in outer space, and directly around us in dimensions that we cannot usually see with our physical senses.

We find out, that the Watchers present themselves as "Star People", people from different solar systems and planets. And in fact, these beings do exist and they come in many forms and varieties, species and races.

Yes, they drive UFO's too.

Sure, they work with the governments and give them a little technology too. Just like the Book of Enoch describes, the governments want the technology and the Watchers want... women!

So we see stories about abductions, where secret government programs and alien beings are involved in what seems to be a desperate attempt to create a new species, a new form of Nephilim, to replace mankind.

Far-stretched? When you think about the evolution theories, when you think about the fact that we face all kinds of genetic manipulation and realize how universities have conferences on how to deal with "post-humans", it shouldn't be.

When you realize how Hitler was talking about the "Aryans", a term he got from Mme Blavatsky who referred to them as a race of giants from the Days of Noah, you realize even more.

There is a certain race of white "aliens", called the "Nordics" (picture). They look like white people, but they are not white people.

Could these be the real Aryans that Hitler and Blavatsky spoke about? Aryans looking for bodies to posses, preferably of the white race?

For we have to connect this with the knowledge that many Nephilim are disembodied spirits, looking for humans to posses.

I believe that Hitler wanted the Europeans to be possessed with the spirits of the Nephilim, making the Europeans think that they themselves were the Aryans. Breeding programs like "Lebensborn" in which the Nazi's tried to create the Super Race out of the penis of an SS soldier are very relevant in this context!

Possession. UFO's. A plan, even a program, to re-create the Days of Noah. A connection with Adolph Hitler and the New Age Movement. All of this as a close cooperation project between the "Kings and Rulers", both physical and spiritual.

We have come to know it under the name "Mystery of Iniquity". We have come to know it under the name "Mystery Babylon".

As time goes on, and Babylon is working towards her coming downstruction -since Jah is not going to allow them to succeed-, the signs become more and more clear.

And this is where I believe my own personal experiences and research come in. This is why I publish about all of this.

I saw UFO's, and I was possessed by demons from a very young age. I know from experience, that "something is out there" and I equally know by experience that "someone's possessed me".

It was Yesus Kristos, Who set me free. I am a free man for many years now, and I waited for many years before starting to write about all of this in the way I do currently. I can witness and testify about the reality of Babylon System, about the demons and the UFO's, but I can also witness and testify that I know JAH is going to end her wicked plan before all flesh is corrupted again.

I know that weird times are ahead of us. Weird times, in which the atheists and all other world religions will be forced to admit their flaws. Will be forced to admit how they really are... one, for they all come out of the same inspirational source indeed.

Times in which "mankind will unite" together with our "space brothers" who will help us get into the next phase of our "human evolution".

Times which Yesus called the Days of Noah.

I am just a very humble, small witness. I know people who have witnessed much more heavy stuff than I did. But it's not about that at all.

It's about what all these things mean.

They mean trouble. They mean trouble for the human race and even for the whole of creation. They indicate that we are entering into the Armageddon times.

Much of what we know about the Days of Noah comes straight from the Book of Enoch. Quoted and called prophecy in the Bible, this book had been preserved in the ancient land of Ethiopia. Next to the Ark of the Covenant. Next to the bloodline of King David, even.

My own personal experiences simply will do not give me the luxury to treat all of this as a nice topic to research, some conspiracy theory to waste my mind with.

I know and respect the fact that -fortunately- there are still many people who have not been through such experiences. I don't expect anyone to believe me, which is exactly why I publish material about all of this.

It is a serious topic. Yes, there is evidence. Nuff, nuff evidence. To deny the existence of the UFO's and the Nephilim is to deny the existence of Mystery Babylon. To deny the existence of UFO's and the Nephilim is to deny the fact that Yesus warned us for the Days of Noah and kept information about it in Ethiopia until the days were there that things had to be revealed.

To laugh about UFO's is even far worse. The things that happen in these things are -according to witnesses- too perverse to mention on this page. Satanic Ritual Abuse, abominable genetic manipulation, and yes: slavery.

So everything is connected: From the Space Ships (UFO's) who take humans and rape -even kill- them and make them works as slaves, to the Slave Ships that took the Africans to the so-called New World to build a society that "founding father" Francis Bacon described in his book "The new Atlantis", centuries ago.

All I do, in this context, is to be a witness. A witness of my own personal experiences, and a witness of the findings of my research, too.

One Love, Give Thanks
Messian Dread



WWW, September 2007 - In a very open and heartfelt interview, Zeph E Daniel tells about his life as the survivor of (elite) Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and exposes the mechanisms that keep Babylon system running.

Zeph E Daniel was born into an elite family in Los Angeles, somewhere in the 1950's. His family included members of the Bohemian Club. Zeph grew up around famous people, children around him were destined to become the movers and shakers in a large portion of (American) society.

However, in order to become "one of them", become part of the system, you have to go through a certain kind of programming. Even further: you have to have a certain kind of mind-set. A mind-set that includes the practice of Satanic Rituals, which are just to bloody perverse to mention.

What happens if you are born in such a family, but you are simply unwilling to go along with the system? Even unable?

The answer can be found by listening to Zeph E Daniel's life story. It is the story of a survivor, who lived to tell about the very mechanisms that keep Babylon System running.

He had to face imprisonment, torture, rape, mind control, survived a coma and other attempts at his life. Until this very day, he has to deal with the fruits of the evil that was done to him.

In a very open and profound interview with the host of the "Nowhere To Run" Radio Show on the American Revere Radio Network, it becomes clear that it is quite remarkable Zeph E Daniel even lived to tell.

Babylon System works on the blood of the sufferers. No, it's not just horny pedophiles. There's a complete mechanism behind it, a technical reason and working method. Satanic Rituals have exactly the same reason and purpose. what happens at places like Bohemian Grove, is nothing but a "power plant" to maintain the system.

The interview is revealing, as it exposes the true nature of what many of us just know as "the elite". The "movers and shakers" turn out to be nothing but slaves themselves, slaves to supernatural entities we know as demons, aliens, fallen angels.

Obviously, the connection with these supernatural entities include UFO's. After all, Babylon's ultimate goal is to create a "New World Order": a re-enactment of the "Days of Noah" or "Atlantis".

A must-listen for everyone who is even remotely interested in the mechanisms behind Babylon System!




WWW, September 2007 - After the original inhabitants were killed, Africans were taken to Jamaica to work as slaves under a torturous rule by the state sanctioned slave masters.

It's just a small clip, only two minutes long. Long enough to introduce Jamaican people, a proud people, to show some of the torture devices, and even to have a small interview with a Jamaican minister.

Long enough to provide some food for thought, too.




"Are UFO's Real?", is a question that used to be asked by especially those people that had never seen one. Those who had seen UFO's, more often than not were too afraid to even share their experience as most people would ridicule them.

And of course, there still are a lot of people who think that UFO's "don't exist".

However, with the free flow of information that came with the Internet, this is gradually changing. Polls reveal that most people will "believe in UFO's", that is: believe in the existance of the things.

The question has become: "what are these things?"...

In this video we are being introduced to the whole matter of UFO's in just over 1 1/2 hour. Widely considered to be one of the best video's out there on the topic, UFO's: THE GREATEST STORY EVER DENIED will be a real challenge to the skeptics out there.

But it's not just for the skeptics.

The video will absolutely proof to be quite informative for those people that do "believe in UFO's" as well, as the makers dig really deep.

We will see Craft and Critters: Flying Saucers and Flying Serpents. We will see credible witnesses: Astronauts, Military Personell, and Scientists.

We will see DENIAL.

We will see, how the governments of the world have carefully tried to cover up the existance of UFO's for reasons that can only be speculated about.

The cover-up itself, however, is kind of really clear.

The video shows us how the cover-up came into existance, and was subsequently perpetuated into the next generations.

We will also see flying serpents, or "rods" as they are called too. It's actually quite interesting to see people describing them, explaining them, in exactly the same way as the Bible describes them, too.

Supernatural entities, that are usually outside of our visible realm and can only be seen with infra-red camera's, although people are reported to have seen them with their physical eyes too.

The "rods", or flying serpents, are not the only "forms of life" the video shows us. As we move from the atmosphere to space, we will see stuff that is even more enigmatic.

Why are the governments covering this up?

A number of retired NASA and military people come into the picture, as they openly discuss what they have seen: there is intervention from other dimensions, related to the military industrial complex, and "we the people" are not to be informed...

They talk about crashes of the craft. They talk about beings in the craft. They talk about having contact with these beings, as they tempt the governments with technology of every kind.

The makers of the video are evidently quite impressed by the technology that the so-called aliens are offering. Dreams of "free energy" and exaltations of other "technological advancements" form

Obviously, the ancient Book of Enoch comes to mind, that speaks about the Watchers as they provided technology to the leaders in the days of Noah, the days before the Flood.

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who takes the ancient accounts as serious as the evidence provided in this video compels the viewer of the reality of supernatural beings in contact with the governments of the world.

The video gives clear evidence of the existance of these beings and their crafts, as well as the communication they have with the governments of this world. Clear evidence that these beings are flying around in our air, and in space around the earth, even though many times they are unvisible for the naked eye.

So it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who takes the Bible serious either, as there is a clear mention in the Book of Books how the Powers Of The Air are really the Rulers of This World...

The video also takes us to the ancient ruins on earth and beyond...

Ancient ruins on the Moon, on Mars, giving evidence supporting the idea that "once upon a time" there were "civilizations" which have been destroyed ever since.

It turns out, that there are many similarities between the ruins as well.

Too much similarities between the ancient accounts and the incredible stories in the video. Incredible, but not really that incredible either...




Make yourself comfortable, and watch what not many people in the generations directly before us have ever seen.

In this truly remarkable video, we are being introduced to something that is -to say the least- enigmatic. Enigmatic, because nobody can really positively say just what's going on in the LIVE FEED that NASA transmitted to Planet Earth, other than that there are massive amounts of objects flying in space and they are... inteligently driven.

The video camera's of the American Space Agency have a much wider spectrum than the human eye. Infra-red and other parts that are usually invisble for us, become visible through the lenses of the precision camera's.

The recordings themselves have been authenticated as coming directly from NASA. Not in the least, because NASDA themselves keep claiming that what we actually see in the video is space debris...


Well, just look at the video. After being introduced to the man who recorded the material and to the material itself, we can look for ourselves.

The makers of the video seem to be convinced about the idea, that the inteligent forces that drive the vehicles recorded on video are simply "people" from another planet. This idea, obviously is not the only explanation one can give to the video.

There is definitely something out there. Something, that is not human. Something, that is inteligent. Something, that is massive. Something, that is not visible for the human eye.

The proof is in the video.



You might know, that I am fascinated by ancient history, especially the suppressed parts and the many so-called mysteries one can find all over the planet. And, so it seems, even beyond that.

Take a look at this picture: it's a photograph taken from the surface of the planet Mars, from the Cydonia region.

On the top-right, there's the image of what looks like a face.

Subsequently, go to the bottom-left and you'll see the ruins of what looks like a five-sided pyramid. Then go upward and look to what many refer to as "The City" or "The Fort".

Of course, there's a lot of debate about it. Is it just a glimpse of light, or not? And what to say about the complicated geometry, the many similarities between ancient monuments on our own planet? But that's not the point I'm trying to make.

The point is, that in Babylon many people have been brainwashed into believing that there is no such thing as the supernatural. That there is no such thing as ancient civilizations that were technically advanced and far superior to "our" current level of technology. They simply cannot imagine how there would be such things on Mars, or how the pyramids would have been built with superior technology and by being who were not human, but intelligent still.

But why is that so? Let's take a look at history, especially western history. Because it is in that western civilization or Babylon, that we see a fundamentalists' belief in the theory of evolution and empirical exclusivity otherwise known as materialism.

And let's compare that history with the ancient history of all people throughout the entire planet.

There is one striking difference.

It seems like each and every ancient civilization did not only have a concept of the supernatural, like a religion or a spirituality, the supernatural beings and their physical offspring were more often than not in direct contact with the leaders and kings, if they were not the leaders and kings themselves.

And all of this was considered pretty normal in these civilizations. They did not consider the monuments to be a mystery at all. They would not have debated about the face on Mars, in fact they might even have knowledge about it themselves.

Take a look at this picture. It is an ancient Sumerian statue of an "Annunaki". It is obviously not a human being.

Closer look reveals, that this is a reptilian being. It's not a mere reptilian creature, though.

Reptiles are no mammals. But this reptilian being is a female who feeds her little baby child just like a human mother would do under normal circumstances.

These beings were in no means considered "symbolical" or "mythological" by the ancient Sumerians. And the Sumerians were definitely not unique.

In fact, each and every ancient civilization have stories about these beings and most of them have incredible monuments and other structures to proof their case.

But when you talk about these things going on today, you are considered a "conspiracy theorist" or a "UFO nutcase", something like that. The basis for such allegations can directly be traced to what the brothers Collins call "the scientific dictatorship" in their equally titled book. Thanks to Babylon-sponsored Christianity, that completely erased all knowledge about these things and imposed a religious fascism on the people that make people hate Yesus Kristos until the very day of today, a feeding soil was created for the rise of atheism and evolutionary thinking.

But obviously, atheism is an unproven theory, just like evolution. As time progresses and serious scientists discover one groundbreaking thing after the other, it becomes clear that we were no caveman thousands of years ago. Ancient civilizations turn out to be highly sophisticated and developed, instead of evolutionary thinking. It becomes clear, that indeed the leaders of this world do have contact with supernatural beings and even claim to be their offspring, in spite of the materialistic world view you can find present in the minds of so many people living in a Babylon today.

And so, even though I am fascinated by all of the so-called "mysteries", I am by no means surprised by the fact that supernatural beings are actually involved with mankind throughout history and until the day of today.



Does the UFO phenomenon truly represent what many people claim it to be: visits from outer-space aliens who originate from other planets? In this 40 minute documentary from the 1970's, exactly that question is asked... and answered.

In the first 20 minutes, we're being introduced to the reality of the phenomenon in the first place. It turns out, that throughout the centuries people have been witnessing "sings in the sky" and have communicated with intelligent beings that have something to do with these signs.

An interesting aspect is that the phenomenon which we have learned to call "UFO's" (Unidentified Flying Objects) seems to be adjusting to the human perception and cultures of the times and places they appear.

Appear out of nowhere, and disappear into nowhere. Now add this to the fact that it is virtually impossible to really travel millions of light-years through space and that all the "space brothers" seem to be doing is abducting people and spread New Age types of philosophy, you have a pretty good picture of the hidden truth behind UFO's.

The documentary itself interviews a number of people who today still are among the top names in UFO research. Some are Christians, others are agnostics or even New Agers. And so they obviously will disagree on a lot of things, but that's not really apparent in this video.

What they do agree on, is that the phenomenon is real and does not (always) represent something good. After all, abducting and raping people is a crime, isn't it?

Still, abduction stories go hand-in-hand with UFO sightings and they turn out to be described as well as foretold in the ancient book of the bible.

Towards the end of the video, we are introduced to a Welsh preacher man called I.D.E. Thomas. He explains how the phenomenon has everything to do with the events described in Genesis 6 of the Bible, when fallen angelic beings raped women and created a terrible offspring called the Nephilim. These Nephilim were the reason God sent the Great Flood of Noah.

And isn't it foretold, that the Days Of Noah would return?

click here to watch/download

BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell

BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell
WWW, FEBRUARY 2007 - The following article is taken from and deals with the strange fact that a BBC reporter announced the collapse of Building 7 on September 112, in New York. Building 7 was part of the WTC complex but never hit with any plane while the owner admitted that they blew it up themselves.
BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell
Revealing, shocking video shows reporter talking about collapse with WTC 7 still standing in background, Google removes clip

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 (UPDATED 5:36AM CST)

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

Minutes before the actual collapse of the building is due, the feed to the reporter mysteriously dies.

This amazing clip was on Google Video, but was removed within hours of the story breaking. However, hundreds of people had already managed to download the clip and it has gone viral on the Internet and the censors won't be able to shut the lid this time. A You Tube upload is available here but we fully expect this to be removed soon. You can watch it for the time being at this link and also here. A WMV link is here (on Prisonplanet server) and a Quicktime here. Bit torrent versions of the file can be found here. An avi version can be found here.

To be clear, the Salomon Brothers Building is just a different name for Building 7 or WTC 7. Skip forward to around the 14:30 minute mark.

Although there is no clock or time stamp on the footage, the source claims the report was given at 4:57pm EST, 23 minutes before Building 7 collapsed at 5:20pm. While the exact time of the report cannot be confirmed at present, it is clear from the footage that the reporter is describing the collapse of WTC 7 while it clearly remains standing behind her in the live shot.

The fact that the BBC reported on the collapse of Building 7 over twenty minutes in advance of its implosion obviously provokes a myriad of questions as to how they knew it was about to come down when the official story says its collapse happened accidentally as a result of fire damage and debris weakening the building's structure.

As we have documented before, firefighters, police and first responders were all told to get back from the building because it was about to be brought down. It is widely acknowledged by those who were there on the scene that warnings were issued for people to evacuate the area in anticipation of the building's collapse, with some even stating that a 20 second countdown preceded the collapse of the 47-story skyscraper, again clearly suggesting that it was taken down by means of explosives as the video footage of its implosion illustrates.

Alex Jones' film Terror Storm documents how Thermate was the likely culprit for the implosion of the twin towers and also explores the collapse of WTC 7.

In a September 2002 PBS documentary, the owner of the WTC complex Larry Silverstein discusses Building 7 and states that in the late afternoon of September 11, the decision was made to "pull it." The term "pull it" is industry jargon for controlled demolition, but Silverstein denied charges that WTC 7 had been deliberately brought down.

This newly uncovered video confirms that the collapse of WTC 7 was no surprise, because television news stations were reporting on it before it happened!

This footage is absolutely amazing and should provoke a firestorm of new questions aimed both at Silverstein and the BBC. Who told the BBC that the building was going to collapse before it did and why were they reporting its fall in advance of the event actually taking place?

Many have speculated that some kind of press release was leaked too soon and AP wires, radio stations and TV news outlets prematurely reported on WTC 7's collapse.

The video also severely undermines the credibility of the BBC who recently caused controversy by airing a 9/11 hit piece that sought to debunk questions that bring the official story into doubt.

Calls have already been put through to the BBC reporting the "mistake," click here to listen to an MP3. The BBC have promised to "look into it."

Moronic commenters on Digg are already trying to bury the story, yet none of them have an answer as to why the BBC reported the building's collapse before it happened. Click here to add your own comment and counter the debunkers.

ACTION: E Mail the BBC and ask them to clarify exactly why their reporter is announcing the collapse of Building 7 before it has collapsed.

He Takes His Secrets to the Grave. Our Complicity Dies with Him

He Takes His Secrets to the Grave. Our Complicity Dies with Him

How the West armed Saddam, fed him intelligence on his 'enemies', equipped him for atrocities - and then made sure he wouldn't squeal

by Robert Fisk

We've shut him up. The moment Saddam's hooded executioner pulled the lever of the trapdoor in Baghdad yesterday morning, Washington's secrets were safe. The shameless, outrageous, covert military support which the United States - and Britain - gave to Saddam for more than a decade remains the one terrible story which our presidents and prime ministers do not want the world to remember. And now Saddam, who knew the full extent of that Western support - given to him while he was perpetrating some of the worst atrocities since the Second World War - is dead.

Gone is the man who personally received the CIA's help in destroying the Iraqi communist party. After Saddam seized power, US intelligence gave his minions the home addresses of communists in Baghdad and other cities in an effort to destroy the Soviet Union's influence in Iraq. Saddam's mukhabarat visited every home, arrested the occupants and their families, and butchered the lot. Public hanging was for plotters; the communists, their wives and children, were given special treatment - extreme torture before execution at Abu Ghraib.

There is growing evidence across the Arab world that Saddam held a series of meetings with senior American officials prior to his invasion of Iran in 1980 - both he and the US administration believed that the Islamic Republic would collapse if Saddam sent his legions across the border - and the Pentagon was instructed to assist Iraq's military machine by providing intelligence on the Iranian order of battle. One frosty day in 1987, not far from Cologne, I met the German arms dealer who initiated those first direct contacts between Washington and Baghdad - at America's request.

"Mr Fisk... at the very beginning of the war, in September of 1980, I was invited to go to the Pentagon," he said. "There I was handed the very latest US satellite photographs of the Iranian front lines. You could see everything on the pictures. There were the Iranian gun emplacements in Abadan and behind Khorramshahr, the lines of trenches on the eastern side of the Karun river, the tank revetments - thousands of them - all the way up the Iranian side of the border towards Kurdistan. No army could want more than this. And I travelled with these maps from Washington by air to Frankfurt and from Frankfurt on Iraqi Airways straight to Baghdad. The Iraqis were very, very grateful!"

I was with Saddam's forward commandos at the time, under Iranian shellfire, noting how the Iraqi forces aligned their artillery positions far back from the battle front with detailed maps of the Iranian lines. Their shelling against Iran outside Basra allowed the first Iraqi tanks to cross the Karun within a week. The commander of that tank unit cheerfully refused to tell me how he had managed to choose the one river crossing undefended by Iranian armour. Two years ago, we met again, in Amman and his junior officers called him "General" - the rank awarded him by Saddam after that tank attack east of Basra, courtesy of Washington's intelligence information.

Iran's official history of the eight-year war with Iraq states that Saddam first used chemical weapons against it on 13 January 1981. AP's correspondent in Baghdad, Mohamed Salaam, was taken to see the scene of an Iraqi military victory east of Basra. "We started counting - we walked miles and miles in this fucking desert, just counting," he said. "We got to 700 and got muddled and had to start counting again ... The Iraqis had used, for the first time, a combination - the nerve gas would paralyse their bodies ... the mustard gas would drown them in their own lungs. That's why they spat blood."

At the time, the Iranians claimed that this terrible cocktail had been given to Saddam by the US. Washington denied this. But the Iranians were right. The lengthy negotiations which led to America's complicity in this atrocity remain secret - Donald Rumsfeld was one of President Ronald Reagan's point-men at this period - although Saddam undoubtedly knew every detail. But a largely unreported document, "United States Chemical and Biological Warfare-related Dual-use exports to Iraq and their possible impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian Gulf War", stated that prior to 1985 and afterwards, US companies had sent government-approved shipments of biological agents to Iraq. These included Bacillus anthracis, which produces anthrax, andEscherichia coli (E. coli). That Senate report concluded that: "The United States provided the Government of Iraq with 'dual use' licensed materials which assisted in the development of Iraqi chemical, biological and missile-systems programs, including ... chemical warfare agent production facility plant and technical drawings, chemical warfare filling equipment."

Nor was the Pentagon unaware of the extent of Iraqi use of chemical weapons. In 1988, for example, Saddam gave his personal permission for Lt-Col Rick Francona, a US defence intelligence officer - one of 60 American officers who were secretly providing members of the Iraqi general staff with detailed information on Iranian deployments, tactical planning and bomb damage assessments - to visit the Fao peninsula after Iraqi forces had recaptured the town from the Iranians. He reported back to Washington that the Iraqis had used chemical weapons to achieve their victory. The senior defence intelligence officer at the time, Col Walter Lang, later said that the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis "was not a matter of deep strategic concern".

I saw the results, however. On a long military hospital train back to Tehran from the battle front, I found hundreds of Iranian soldiers coughing blood and mucus from their lungs - the very carriages stank so much of gas that I had to open the windows - and their arms and faces were covered with boils. Later, new bubbles of skin appeared on top of their original boils. Many were fearfully burnt. These same gases were later used on the Kurds of Halabja. No wonder that Saddam was primarily tried in Baghdad for the slaughter of Shia villagers, not for his war crimes against Iran.

We still don't know - and with Saddam's execution we will probably never know - the extent of US credits to Iraq, which began in 1982. The initial tranche, the sum of which was spent on the purchase of American weapons from Jordan and Kuwait, came to $300m. By 1987, Saddam was being promised $1bn in credit. By 1990, just before Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, annual trade between Iraq and the US had grown to $3.5bn a year. Pressed by Saddam's foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, to continue US credits, James Baker then Secretary of State, but the same James Baker who has just produced a report intended to drag George Bush from the catastrophe of present- day Iraq - pushed for new guarantees worth $1bn from the US.

In 1989, Britain, which had been giving its own covert military assistance to Saddam guaranteed £250m to Iraq shortly after the arrest of Observer journalist Farzad Bazoft in Baghdad. Bazoft, who had been investigating an explosion at a factory at Hilla which was using the very chemical components sent by the US, was later hanged. Within a month of Bazoft's arrest William Waldegrave, then a Foreign Office minister, said: "I doubt if there is any future market of such a scale anywhere where the UK is potentially so well-placed if we play our diplomatic hand correctly... A few more Bazofts or another bout of internal oppression would make it more difficult."

Even more repulsive were the remarks of the then Deputy Prime Minister, Geoffrey Howe, on relaxing controls on British arms sales to Iraq. He kept this secret, he wrote, because "it would look very cynical if, so soon after expressing outrage about the treatment of the Kurds, we adopt a more flexible approach to arms sales".

Saddam knew, too, the secrets of the attack on the USS Stark when, on 17 May 1987, an Iraqi jet launched a missile attack on the American frigate, killing more than a sixth of the crew and almost sinking the vessel. The US accepted Saddam's excuse that the ship was mistaken for an Iranian vessel and allowed Saddam to refuse their request to interview the Iraqi pilot.

The whole truth died with Saddam Hussein in the Baghdad execution chamber yesterday. Many in Washington and London must have sighed with relief that the old man had been silenced for ever.

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Washington Post: Secret Service worked on Microsoft Vista

For Windows Vista Security, Microsoft Called in Pros

By Alec Klein and Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, January 9, 2007; D01

When Microsoft introduces its long-awaited Windows Vista operating system this month, it will have an unlikely partner to thank for making its flagship product safe and secure for millions of computer users across the world: the National Security Agency.

For the first time, the giant software maker is acknowledging the help of the secretive agency, better known for eavesdropping on foreign officials and, more recently, U.S. citizens as part of the Bush administration's effort to combat terrorism. The agency said it has helped in the development of the security of Microsoft's new operating system -- the brains of a computer -- to protect it from worms, Trojan horses and other insidious computer attackers.

"Our intention is to help everyone with security," Tony W. Sager, the NSA's chief of vulnerability analysis and operations group, said yesterday.

The NSA's impact may be felt widely. Windows commands more than 90 percent of the worldwide market share in desktop operating systems, and Vista, which is set to be released to consumers Jan. 30, is expected to be used by more than 600 million computer users by 2010, according to Al Gillen, an analyst at market research firm International Data.

Microsoft has not promoted the NSA's contributions, mentioning on its Web site the agency's role only at the end of its "Windows Vista Security Guide," which states that the "guide is not intended for home users" but for information and security specialists.

The Redmond, Wash., software maker declined to be specific about the contributions the NSA made to secure the Windows operating system.

The NSA also declined to be specific but said it used two groups -- a "red team" and a "blue team" -- to test Vista's security. The red team, for instance, posed as "the determined, technically competent adversary" to disrupt, corrupt or steal information. "They pretend to be bad guys," Sager said. The blue team helped Defense Department system administrators with Vista's configuration .

Microsoft said this is not the first time it has sought help from the NSA. For about four years, Microsoft has tapped the spy agency for security expertise in reviewing its operating systems, including the Windows XP consumer version and the Windows Server 2003 for corporate customers.

With hundreds of thousands of Defense Department employees using Microsoft's software, the NSA realizes that it's in its own interest to make the product as secure as possible. "It's partly a recognition that this is a commercial world," Sager said. "Our customers have spoken."

Microsoft also has sought the security expertise of other U.S. government and international entities, including NATO. "I cannot mention any of the other international agencies," said Donald R. Armstrong, senior program manager of Microsoft's government security program, citing the wishes of those agencies to remain anonymous.

Microsoft's concerns extend beyond the welfare of its software when it seeks the security expertise of government agencies. "When you get into an environment where a Microsoft product is used in a battlefield situation or a government situation where if a system is compromised, identities could be found out," and it could be a matter of life and death, Armstrong said.

Other software makers have turned to government agencies for security advice, including Apple, which makes the Mac OS X operating system. "We work with a number of U.S. government agencies on Mac OS X security and collaborated with the NSA on the Mac OS X security configuration guide," said Apple spokesman Anuj Nayar in an e-mail.

Novell, which sells a Linux-based operating system, also works with government agencies on software security issues, spokesman Bruce Lowry said in an e-mail, "but we're not in a position to go into specifics of the who, what, when types of questions."

The NSA declined to comment on its security work with other software firms, but Sager said Microsoft is the only one "with this kind of relationship at this point where there's an acknowledgment publicly."

The NSA, which provided its service free, said it was Microsoft's idea to acknowledge the spy agency's role.

The NSA's primary mission is signals intelligence -- monitoring the communications of foreign powers, terrorists and others. But its secondary objection is "information assurance," under which the security of Microsoft's operating system falls.

Industry observers suggest that both the NSA and Microsoft have good reason to disclose their relationship. For Microsoft, the NSA's imprimatur may be viewed as a vote of confidence in the operating system's security.

"I kind of call it a Good Housekeeping seal" of approval, said Michael Cherry, a former Windows program manager who now analyzes the product for Directions on Microsoft, a firm that tracks the software maker.

Cherry says the NSA's involvement can help counter the perception that Windows is not entirely secure and help create a perception that Microsoft has solved the security problems that have plagued it in the past. "Microsoft also wants to make the case that [the new Windows] more secure than its earlier versions," he said.

Armstrong, the Microsoft manager, said: "The entire crux of Vista was security. . . . Security is at the forefront of our thoughts and our methods in developments and is critically important to our customers." AR2007010801352_pf.html

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