Showing posts with label Topic: New Age Movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Topic: New Age Movement. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2009




WWW, May 2009 - In what can only be described as a totally rejactabtle move, New Age Guru and self proclaimed "Truth Seeker" Michael Tsarion continued his crusade against video maker and researcher Chris White. And by doing so, he debunked himself!

A few days ago, I reported how Michael Tsarion responded to a debunkumentary: a free online video, produced by Chris White, which raised some serious questions with the teachings and methods in the countless of hours of video you can buy for a couple of hundred dollars. Video Maker and Christian researcher Chris White had his YouTube account deleted, which resulted in the dissapearance of all of his video's.

Tsarion made claims about "copyright infringment" to YouTube, but Chris White made use of the "Fair Use" policy which specifically allows the use of quotes for criticism (see previous commentary). A very obvious thing, especially in courts...

What is obvious as well, is how Michael Tsarion is not interested in the infringement of his copyrights either. Just a video search on google for "Michael Tsarion" reveals how you can see a lot of his material online. It's just, that Chris White uses some of that material to put question marks next to the many claims of Michael Tsarion. Claims, especially when seen in the context, are so outrageous that they just scream for some debunking.

Tsarion's violent and aggresive respond to an intelectual challenge of his teachings, however, partly made Chris White's debunkumentary unneccesary. The response, which started a few years ago with the statement "The only debate I'll have with that specimen (Chris White) is with my fist" and recently turned to Tsarion's public exposure of his contempt for freedom of speech, has now turned to Michael Tsarion... debunking himself!

He opened a weblog, which in the meantime has been removed, which he called "Chris White Exposed". The blog just had one posting, which ended with the words: "Christ White wants to play the 'exposure' game. Okay, fine. That works two ways:"


"Exposing Chris White", apparantly, ment that you have to expose just about every information about him, and put it online for everyone to see. Rather dangerous, threatening, especially because Michael Tsarion's foot soldiers are rather "motivated" in defending their teacher. What is the use of posting information about Chris White's "Children", his "Cat" and his "Friends", other than calling for violence?

The comments on the weblog, which included Michael Tsarion saying, "when I'm done with him, he'd wish he'd never opened his filhty mouth", all came down to the fact that Chris White is a Christian and has, from that perspective, serious questions with Tsarion's teachings. But the careful observer sees, how none of that is the real issue. Tsarion's openly deception reveals how he is not a Truth Lover at all and that he uses seriously deceptive methods to ensare Truth Seekers into an intelectual prison.

Time to take a closer look at Tsarion, therefore.

A look at his profile at blogspot, for example. Next to "Metal" as his favorite music, we see how his "interest" is "Truth". On his forum, on May 3, 2007, he says that he "never discussed" his "private life". His profile on his forum also labels his interests as "Truth", next to "Freedom" and "Justice".

So, how much love for truth is there, when an intelectual exchange of ideas is denied and the only response we see is "ad hominem" or "at-the-person"? What kind of interest for truth is there, for Michael Tsarion to call on people to put Chris White's personal information online, including that of his children, friends, even pets, and calling that the "exposure game"? Indeed, Michael Tsarion's interest in "truth" (on whatever level you may take the word/Word truth/Truth), is in something he calls a "game".

Whatever you may think about Chris White's debunkumentary, it is clear that the video wasn't a "game", wasn't an ad-hominem attack on Michael Tsarion but rather some intelectual question marks put to the quoted material. Michael Tsarion had many chances to debate Chris White, but, as we know, Tsarion only "debates" with his "fist", and so we don't have to look for a love for "truth, freedom, justice" over there either.

Indeed, Michael Tsarion does not have a love for the truth,because in this case, action definitely speak louder than words. Michael Tsarion is not interested in being debunked, because his teachings are so far away from truth, that he will never be able to stand in a movement which calls itself the "Truth Movement".

And so, Michael Tsarion debunks himself. He agitates, does not have an intelectual response to an intelectual critique but rather attacks the person who has the critique and even goes so far as to physically threaten Chris White, and his wife, and his children, and his friends...

Fortunately, though, YouTube in the meantime has seen how Tsarion is using false claims of copyright, and has restored one of Chris White's accounts. He put out a video, wherein he explains in more detail just what happenned during the last days. Take a look:

I remember when I started to expose Christafari, like 5 or so years ago, I possessed a lot of hope for an intelectual debate. Instead of that, I found myself in the midst of a smear campaign, at the receiving end of curses and insults, just because Christafari had no love for the truth but were rather interested in parts of the truth to use them for their own carnal goal.

I see the exact same principals and mechanisms at work in this case where Chris White wants an intelectual exchange of ideas and has never called on people to attack his (using Michael Tsarion's own words) "private life". Tsarion, however, only responded with (again, his own word) "fist". Michael Tsarion does not love the truth, and only uses the good intention of many who call themselves "Truth Seekers" or members of the "Truth Movement" in order to gain money and power for himself and his group.

Michael Tsarion does not stand alone, however. There are many vultures preying at the Truth Lovers, the Freedom Fighters, the ones who cry out for Justice. Where Michael Tsarion brings HP Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" as Bible Truth, he is only following orders. All of this was planned and the New Agers call it the "Externalization Of The Hierarchy", in other words, the publication of the Mystery Religion that had been out of the public's eye for centuries and even ages.

What Michael Tsarion teaches in his boring video courses, is exactly the same as what the Luciferians, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, however you want to call the group that is described in the second Psalm as conspiring against the Lord God JAH and His Annointed, has been teaching since the days of Nimrod.

It is the "restoration of Atlantis", or to put it biblically: "the Days of Noah". The days, wherein the Nephilim were ruling and brutalizing creation until the level that the Creator Himself came down and downstroyed this act of piracy. The Days, which Satan and his minions are so desperatly trying to re-create ever since Noah's Ark landed on the mountains of Ararat.

Michael Tsarion and all the other workers of iniquity, who follow the teachings of HP Blavatsky, are desperately trying to get mankind into believing how the Days of Noah have to be restored, how mankind has once again to "move forward in the evolution" and become Nephilim, hybrid offspring of human DNA with that of the evil Watchers, of whom we can read in the Bible and in the Book of Enoch.

All of Tsarion's rather science-fiction like talking about aliens who came down to this earth and genetically manipulated primitive ape-men into the homo sapiens that we know ourselves to be now, has the very same lie as that of Adolph Hitler and his "Aryans" in his foundation. Mankind, we-the-people needs to believe that somehow we are the offspring of ancient women and "aliens" or the Sons of God from Genesis 6. Only then can these Sons-of-God or watchers take over our bodies and destroy mankind-as-we-know-it, only then can the days of Noah be restored like Yesus Kristos prophesied.

We have people like Zecheriah Sitchin, Erich von Daniken, Graham Hancock, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Richard Hoagland, and many more, all promoting this "Ancient Astronaut" theory. They all point out to the very same verse in the Bible, about the very same things we read about in the Book of Enoch, and find in archeological sites as well:

click for larger picture
Cone Heads in Peru and Sumerian Statue

This is why Michael Tsarion debunks himself. He just cannot be a truth seeker, a lover of freedom and a fighter for justice, because the teachings he follows are so far from the truth that anyone who even starts to research out what Tsarion is saying, and how he says it, will quickly come to the conclusion that all Michael Tsarion is doing, is indeed, debunking himself.

He cannot be taken seriously. None of his research is original. When he gives you quotes, these are often out of context, but usually he just likes to make statements which cannot be traced back as they're totally unreferenced.

Well, that is to say, they can be traced back: to HP Blavatsky and her "Secret Doctrine" where Lucifer and Satan are heralded as The Ultimate Benefactor of The Human Race and how that evil God Jahovah is the root of all evil and all of that crap.

Ultimately, Tsarion's statements come straight out of the text books of Babylon's very own Mystery Schools.

Therefore, his teachings are that of the very same ones that are responsible for Babylon System being in existance in the first place. His teachings about the "New Age Of Aquarius", full of peace and love, that will replace the "Old Age Of Piscus", full of religious hateret, are exactly the same teachiongs as that of the ones who have brought us the New World Order.

Michael Tsarion debunks Michael Tsarion, but you only see it when your foundation is Truth.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009




WWW, April 2009 - A 47 minute Debunkumentary in which his theories and teaching methods are questioned, caused adept Michael Tsarion to show his contempt for the very same freedom of speech he claims to fight for.

What is wrong with Michael Tsarion?

This website has written before about Michael Tsarion. In a series called "New Age Rage", where we take a sarcastic look at a movement which usually claims "peace and love" but happens to have some serious connections with quite the opposite side as well: that's right, the New Age Movement.

We've taken this sarcastic look on Michael Tsarion, too. Himself an adept of the teachings of Blavatsky and other occult scholars/teachers, Tsarion is an upcoming star in the "Truth Movement", a Movement which attempts or claims to fight against the New World Order System we know as Babylon.

Michael Tsarion had already shown that he's not what many want to believe he is. When you watch just one of Tsarion's video's, you can see how he produces courses of the very same Mystery Schools in which the Secret Rulers Of The World had learnt to keep mankind under slavery for so many thousands of years now. He presents it as Truth, though: the ultimate research into the Illuminati.

Just like Peter Joseph, the creator of the movie sequel "Zeitgeist", Tsarion claims to be a "Truth Seeker". Just like Peter Joseph, he turns out to be doing nothing else but teaching the very same theories and practices of Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley, and even Adolph Hitler and presents it as Gospel Truth.

In the episode of "New Age Rage" which featured Michael Tsarion, we could read how he threatened Chris White, host of the "Nowhere to Run" podcast. Chris White had done what you could call the ultimate research into Michael Tsarion's claims and wanted a debate.

After all, that is what Lovers of Truth do, right? Freedom of Speech and all that?


Michael Tsarion's response was basically: "The Only Debate I Will Give Is With My Fist". What seemed to be a rather physically threatening way of denying an intelligent exchange of ideas, however, has now turned into an even more ugly phase as Tsarion reveals his "fist"...

Just recently, Chris White produced what he calls a debunkumentary. It's a video wherein he critiques the Gospel Truth of Michael Tsarion, and more importantly: the methods of deception he uses to introduce Truth Seekers to his teachings.

We talk about stuff like Tsarion quoting the Bible, where Jah speaks to the serpent. The only problem, though, is that Tsarion claims it is Jah speaking to Eve!

"Errors", like Tsarion talking about the Nephilim as the first humans, where the Bible says how these Nephilim were the unholy offspring between angelic beings called the "Sons of God" and the women called "daughters of Adam".

In the debunkumentary, entitled "Michael Tsarion Is Wrong", Chris White goes in-depth as you will probably not know what he's talking about unless you've seen the brainwash education of hours and hours and even more hours of Michael Tsarion's rather boring video lectures for yourself.

Those who want to believe that Michael Tsarion Is Right, usually will see themselves as "Truth Seekers". They want to believe that Michael Tsarion fights the good fight of exposing the New World Order, Babylon System, whatever you might call the Mystery. Chris White's debunkumentary breaks down that idea to the very same level in which the Truth Seekers have been initiated into the Mystery that "Czar Michael" trained his foot soldiers in.

Without realizing it, these Truth Seekers have been trained into thinking exactly the same as the ones they think they are fighting. The very same New Age lies that moved the hippies of the 1960's into becoming the nazi's of their time, now move many in the "Truth Movement" into becoming foot soldiers for the very same New World Order they think they fight.

So in itself, we have nothing new here.

One of the first researchers who published about this link between the Nazi's and the New Age Movement of which Tsarion is obviously a member, was a North American lawyer called Constance Cumby. We owe her a lot of thanks for her research. After all, it's a link that will obviously reveal the spiritual identity of everyone who perpetuates the Satanic Teachings!

Constance Cumby went after Benjamin Creme and his Maitreya the Antichrist, exposing him since the 1980's. However, we are now a few decades further and in the meantime, Mystery Babylon is revealed more and more every day as she moves towards her ultimate downfall, when Revelation is fulfilled!

Just like the ancient prophet revealed, in this time the knowledge increases as many do research and travel to and fro. The Internet, of course. The Internet, where the Truth Movement shares knowledge and information, the research, that reveals the Mystery which holds mankind under her captivity ever since Nimrod built his Tower of Babble.

The Internet, where Michael Tsarion's video's and lectures can be found all over. And if you can't find them, you can go to one of the countless podcasts where he will happily tell you all about the year 2012 where mankind will be enlightened and how the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve are really the nephilim that were judged in the Days of Noah, or how Yesus Kristos is just an invention by the ancient Egyptians where in fact that theory was invented after Yesus walked on the shores of Galilee.

You can go to Alex Jones, for example, who did a perfect job exposing Peter Joseph, the name behind the movie sequel "Zeitgeist", wherein Hitler's Utopia was presented to the "Truth Seekers" who had woken up to the truth just a little bit too much in the eyes of the Satanic Elite that runs the world like Psalm 2 describes.

But here's the catch...

Even though the same can and should be said about Michael Tsarion and his Luciferian Teachings or Satanic Indoctrination, for some reason it never dawned to Alex Jones how there really is not that much difference between Peter Joseph and Michael Tsarion, or Jordan Maxwell, or David Icke...

Michael Tsarion openly says that he admires Aleister Crowley, and Mme Blavatsky. These very same things were -rightfully- used against Peter Joseph but ignored in Tsarion's case.

I believe, that this reason is this: there is a difference between Truth Seekers and Truth Lovers. Truth Seekers do not necessarily Love the Truth. They just want to Use The Truth for their own gain, or whatever.

Truth Lovers, however, seek the Truth as a result of Love. Love for freedom. In the Words of Yesus: "You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free"!

Nowhere can the difference between a Lover of Truth and a Seeker of Truth be seen more clearly than in the case of Michael Tsarion vs. Chris White. Completely contradictoire to what even resembles a Love for Truth, for Freedom of Speech, Tsarion now abuses Copyright Laws to write to YouTube and Google Video and have not just all Chris White's video's removed, but even to have his accounts deleted!

That's right, you can't watch the debunkumentary on YouTube anymore. You can't see for yourself if Michael Tsarion is so right as he claims he is. "Czar" Michael's respect for Freedom of Speech apparently ends where his rule is questioned!

However, he also reveals himself here to an extend he might not want. For it is obvious, how Tsarion makes false claims of copyright. Deceitful ways, obviously, distinguish Truth Seekers from Truth Lovers.

On top of that, Tsarion's claims are obviously nothing but damage control as Chris White's successfully threatens the validity of his teachings by putting some Truth Light on them!

Completely in league with those that would love to kill the Internet, for Cyberspace truly is the only place where true Freedom of Speech is applied, Michael Tsarion now joins the ranks of the Hollywood Industry and other Channels of Propaganda.

At the moment I write this, you can still look for yourself what is so dangerous for Tsarion that he can only show himself to be the Babylonian that he is. The Black Vault website doesn't bow for the "Czar" and stands up against this violation of JAH Given Human Right of Freedom of Speech.

PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5

It's clear: Chris White makes use of what the Copyright laws called "Fair Use". Tsarion's false claims to copyrights won't even make him win in court! The text goes like this:

§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include-
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

This "Fair Use" policy is one of the foundations of Freedom of Speech.

Without it, you can't criticize nothing, because you can't quote a thing. It's Elite Enemy Number One. And Chris White's debunkumentary is a school example of Fair Use, as the video is for non-profit purpose, for research and criticism.

Michael Tsarion's enormous claims obviously should be able to stand a thorough and in-depth critique. After all, he claims it to be "the Truth" and the fact that he lets just about everybody use his material, even allows the fact that people upload full copies of his expensive DVD series to YouTube and other Video Sites, doesn't make him much credible when he turns out to be worried about his "copy rights" the second someone just asks questions and posts a video online asking these questions.

Indeed, Michael Tsarion's "fist", turns out to be just what it is: an act of brute violence. And Lovers of Truth know all too well: violence speaks where Truth has to be silenced.

To give him credit, though: Michael Tsarion was right in one thing. Indeed, he will only "debate" Chris White with his "fist". The reason for that is, that Michael Tsarion is simply unable to answer to the Truth in any other way!

Michael Tsarion is not a Lover of Truth, because he is not a Lover of Freedom. His "fist" simply reveals his hate against the Truth. And there can be only one reason to hate the Truth, which is that you hate Freedom.

Tsarion might be a Seeker of Truth, though, because he looks at Truth in a rather technological way. After all, his teachings are nothing but a rather silly attempt to "reverse engineer" the Truth. However, Truth can never be the ultimate tool for the enslavers. That's why they so desperately try to keep the real Truth Seekers from discovering the Truth.

That's also why Michael Tsarion will ultimately fail in his attempts to initiate Truth Seekers into the Mystery Teachings of Babylon. Just like he will ultimately fail to steal Chris White's JAH-given Human Right Of Freedom Of Speech.

That is why Michael Tsarion is so angry.

One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread


Thursday, February 26, 2009



WWW, February 2009 -?In this documentary soaked in humor, we meet well-known author and lecturer David Icke and his opponents during some rather hilarious events.

Meet David Icke, well-known author and lecturer based in the UK. In the 1980's, he was a presenter of sport news at the BBC until he found himself in the middle of some mystical New Age experience which put an end to his career. When he subsequently went on the popular "Wogan" talk show claiming he was the "son of God", David Icke became a popular subject of jokes.

David Icke subsequently developed his New Age experience with a rather extensive research into Mystery Babylon which led him to come to remarkable conclusions.?

He was able to trace back the bloodlines of the ruling elite to the times of ancient Sumeria, when Nimrod founded Babylon. David Icke met with mind control victims and African teachers who told him about the reptilian nature of this ruling elite.

When you compare David Icke's research with the teaching of old by the prophets Enoch and others, you will find that the conclusions are not so far away from each other even though there is an unbridgeable gap between the teachings of David Icke and that of the ancient prophets.

According to David Icke, the evil ones which the Bible describes as the Serpent Seed are a type of species from somewhere else in the universe that came to earth a long time ago. According to the ancient prophets, these Watchers are fallen beings that come from a different dimension.

What stands, is the fact that there is indeed a ruling elite that has a bloodline which is not human in the sense of them being descendants of Adam and Eve. This is a message that you can also read in the Bible.?

What also stands, is the fact that there are many theories concerning the Serpent Seed. Some claim that they are the black people, or the Jews, or the white people, or any other kind of people. Racist theories that want to give themselves a Christian sauce, such as the Christian Identity Movement, make a grateful use of the fact that there is not much known concerning the Serpent Seed and so they come up with all kinds of outrageous teachings.

What stands on top of that, is the fact that David Icke does hit the nail on the head on many occasions. Much to the chagrin of Mystery Babylon, he does wake up masses of people to the fact that Mystery Babylon is a reality and most people are her slaves.?

And so, the establishment does everything it can to silence David Icke.

This video is about a really pathetic way, David Icke was attacked on a visit he did in Canada. British film maker Ron Johnson accompanies the lecturer and also goes to the ones who try to stop him. And this is where things get rather funny.

We see, how people will claim that David Icke is an anti-Semite. They do so, because they say that whenever David Icke mentions "lizards", he really means "Jews". A pathetic kind of paranoia that seems to be taken seriously still by the ones who try to stop David Icke.

They call into Radio Stations and Book Shops to stop David Icke from promoting his works, and they are rather successful at start. Until the tide turns...

Enjoy a good laugh with this documentary that could only be created in the UK. Ron Johnson has a great sense of humor, as he addresses rather serious topics in his own way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



WWW, October 2008 - What happens when talk show host Alex Jones wakes up to the fact that the video Zeitgeist is a piece of New Age Propaganda? He invites the maker of the video for an interview.

In February of this year, the Babylon Observer published a review on the movie "Zeitgeist". It was subtitled: "An Excursion Into Stupidity". The video was all about how Jesus Christ was a myth invented by people who are now basically controlling the world. It mixed truth with New Age propaganda of such "teachers" as Jordan Maxwell.

Much of that propaganda was so blatantly wrong, that the maker of the video, a guy who calls himself Peter Joseph and who says he works in the television industry, had to release a second edition with some of the errors corrected.

Recently, Peter Joseph released another movie, with more of the traditional New Age Nazi rhetoric. The New Age "Plan" is so blatantly proposed in the video, that even Alex Jones of the Infowars radio show woke up to the fact that "Zeitgeist" has nothing to do with exposing Babywrong, and everything with bringing forth the very same New World Order that the movie claims to oppose!

Alex Jones decided to bring Peter Joseph on his show for a "discussion". This discussion turned out to be an enormous spectacle as the Texas based host confronts an unbelievably arrogant Peter Joseph, whose whole appearance matches perfectly with his extreme elitist philosophy.

As he unfolds his plan for his New Age Utopia, the moviemaker speaks about how people have to be "re-conditioned" in order to live in his preferred "society". A society which -not surprisingly- looks remarkably similar to Hitler's Third Reich and Communist countries such as the former Soviet Union and China.

There's one thing which holds him from establishing his Utopia, though. Peter Joseph gets the most passionate when he speaks about it, and he calls it "religion". Actually, to be more specific, "Christianity". From the Vatikan, the city with the seven hills, to the individual worship of Jesus Christ by countless of people worldwide: Peter Joseph knows just where the trouble is!

After all, in the eyes of the Zeitgeist creator, there is no such thing as "evil". That would only be a concept created by "religion", and it would disable people from moving into his Utopia.

Alex Jones, known for his rants and confrontive way of interviewing, counters Peter Joseph. Jones' views, namely, more than oppose that of the creator of Zeitgeist. After all, in the eyes of Alex Jones, there is definitely such a thing as "evil".

The result is about two hours of chilling audio, wherein once again the fascistic nature of the New Age philosophy and mentality is exposed.

Join the Babylon Observer with a good chuckle, several smiles, and hope with him that Alex Jones might wake up to the fact that there is way too much New Age propaganda in what is called the "Truth Movement".

Listen to the interview, and then listen to Alex Jones' evaluation he did the other day as he also interviewed a couple of more people concerning "Zeitgeist".

PART 1 (MP3, 37 MB) - PART 2 (MP3, 31 MB)

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